(814) 932-6182
Foliar Fertilization Benefits
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Troyer Ag Solutions|1508 Cropps Corners Road, Knox, PA 16232|(814) 932-6182

Harness the Power of Foliar Fertilization

Discover the power of foliar fertilization with Troyer Ag Solutions. Our advanced foliar fertilizer products offer a direct and efficient method of delivering essential nutrients to your crops. By applying nutrients directly to plant leaves, foliar fertilization provides a rapid and effective way to supplement your soil fertility program, address nutrient deficiencies, and boost crop performance.

Key Benefits of Foliar Fertilization

  • Leaf iconRapid Nutrient Uptake:
    • Bypass soil limitations for quick absorption
    • Provides fast correction of nutrient deficiencies
    • Supports crops during critical growth stages
  • Leaf iconEnhanced Nutrient Efficiency:
    • Higher utilization rate compared to soil applications
    • Reduces nutrient losses due to soil fixation or leaching
    • Allows for precise timing and targeted application
  • Leaf iconImproved Stress Tolerance:
    • Helps crops withstand environmental stresses (drought, heat, cold)
    • Enhances plant vigor and resilience
    • Supports recovery from pest or disease pressure
  • Leaf iconBoosted Yield and Quality:
    • Promotes better flowering and fruit set
    • Enhances crop size, color, and uniformity
    • Improves overall marketable yield
  • Leaf iconFlexibility and Convenience:
    • It can be combined with pesticide applications to save time and resources
    • Allows for nutrient adjustments throughout the growing season
    • Ideal for addressing in-season deficiencies or boosting crop performance
  • Leaf iconEnvironmentally Friendly:
    • Reduces overall fertilizer use and potential runoff
    • Minimizes soil compaction from heavy equipment
    • Supports sustainable farming practices
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When to Use Foliar Fertilization

  • Leaf iconEarly Season: Jump-start crop growth and development.  
  • Leaf iconPre-flowering: Ensure optimal nutrient levels for maximum yield potential.  
  • Leaf iconFruit/Grain Fill: Support final stages of crop development.  
  • Leaf iconPost-stress: Help crops recover from environmental stresses.  
  • Leaf iconMaintenance: Regular applications to prevent nutrient deficiencies.  

Ready to harness the power of foliar fertilization for your crops? Contact Troyer Ag Solutions today to discuss how our foliar fertilizer products can enhance your crop management strategy and boost your yields.

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